Standards and Complaints

The Anglican Diocese of Waikato and Taranaki believe that we have a responsibility to promote the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults, and to keep all people safe.

These ministry standards apply to everyone in licensed Anglican ministry, and to non-licensed office holders, including:
• Ordained ministers (priests, deacons, bishops)
• Licensed lay ministers
• Licensed volunteer leaders
• Trustees
• Elected leaders (vestry, synod, committee, board members)If you have experienced behaviours that do no meet these standards yourself, or seen them happening to someone else, you have a right to speak out and be heard. Your complaints and concerns will be taken seriously and handled confidentially.

 Contact the Ministry Standards Commission

All office holders of the Anglican Church are expected to uphold the highest standards of ethical behaviour and there are disciplinary processes in place if they fail to do so.

The Anglican Church has established a Ministry Standards Commission to deal with complaints. All complaints about any alleged misbehavior by an ordained minister, licensed person, or office holder are now received and handled by the Registrar of the Ministry Standards Commission, who can be confidentially contacted on 0800 004 031 (messages checked daily by the independent Registrar) or

More information can be found on the Commission’s website

If you have experienced any sort of abuse, bullying, or inappropriate behaviour by someone outside the categories above you have other options. You may contact;

  • Your local priest or vicar

  • You local archdeacon

  • Our diocesan offices.