Family Communion Service

Sundays @ 9.30am

Our services are relaxed Anglican: inclusive, fairly traditional, with a creche for preschoolers and on some Sundays, separate activities for children.

Christmas Festival

Our 2024 Christmas Festival will take place from December 2 - 20. The tea rooms and shop will be open between 10 am and 4 pm every day except Sundays. 

In the week 2- 6 December we will have school and community choirs singing carols in the church at 10.30 am and 1.30 pm, from 9-13 December there are choirs or soloist singing at 10.30 am. 

Men's Group

Our Men's group, Men of Heart, meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 7.30 pm,  at Owen Cameron-Hayes' place, 376 Peake Rd. (02108153270) for discussions, prayer and fellowship. 

Tots & Tunes

Tots & Tunes, every Wednesday, 10.00 am start

Tots & Tunes is held in the hall each Wednesday (term time only) and is specifically for pre-school children. Children have great fun learning new rhymes and songs with movement and the parents and caregivers love it too! Morning tea is provided afterwards.

Cost $3 per family per session.

Youth Group

Our Youth Group for years 5-8 meets on a regular basis on  Sundays at the church hall, 4.30 pm to 6 pm in summer, 4 pm to 5.30 pm in winter.

Next meeting 16 March at 4.30 pm at the hall. 

Tamahere Country Market 

Every 3rd Saturday from 8am to 1pm

Our Country Markets are famous! Every third Saturday of the month, rain or shine, starting at 8am. The Church grounds are packed full of interesting produce, arts, crafts, treats, clothing and wonderful food!

Tamahere Country market

Friday Night W(h)ine

Our Woman's group meets every last Friday of the month at 7 pm in the church hall for prayer, discussion, wine and nibbles. 

Craft Group

Our Christmas festival craft groups meet in the church hall on Thursdays from mid January to December.  We use our creative talents to make Christmas decorations and gifts to be sold at the  St Stephen’s Christmas Festival starting 1st December.  Proceeds go to local charities.  Many items are created by upcycling and recycling donated materials. 

The morning group meets from 9.30am – 12pm – Contact Bev 07 8464040 or 021499989

Afternoon group meets from 1pm – 4pm.  Contact Val 07 856 8130 or 0211699576, or Gail 0226003345

New members always welcome or donation of craft materials.

Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals

If you or a family member are interested in a Baptism at St Stephens, you are welcome to join our service at 9.30 am on a Sunday and talk to our vicar afterwards or contact the office before coming to a service or arranging to meet with our vicar.

If you are thinking of having your wedding here, please call the office in the first instance to discuss how we can be of any help. We also support and assist families with bereavement and funeral services and offer funeral catering.