
Sue, our vicar, first came to St Stephen’s in 1987 in her twenties, a new mother, new minister.

Life and ministry took her elsewhere. She is a counsellor and educator; she loves people and listening. Sue developed an education programme for Anglican ministers and taught at St John’s theological college in Auckland. She has been a primary school teacher, university chaplain and parish minister. Sue’s husband Stuart farms and teaches agriculture in the Waikato; they have four adult children.

Sue loves being with her family, bush walking, theatre, literature and being creative. 

Vestry 2023/24

Liam Pointon (Vicar's Warden)
Ailsa Henderson (Treasurer)
James Marris (People's warden)
Jane Manson
Edsel Forde
Val Nixon
Stu Houchen

Parish Administrator

Meike Nagel


Our bank account details for donations to the church are.

St Stephen's Church 
02 0316 0401986 00